"Hi, I am Pavitra. I hope you enjoy reading my blog and its related content pages as much as I enjoy providing you with the information in it. If you have any questions on decorating and other interior design topics, please drop me an email, I would love to hear from you."


"It was one of life's most wonderful coincidences when I heard about Pavitra through a relative of mine. I thought furnishing an entire new house would be chaotic and a headache to execute, but working with Pavitra made it not only easy as a breeze but exciting as well. Not many designers would take a client's personal taste into consideration when planning a space, luckily I ended up with someone who does. I've met many interior designers but Pavitra's name always comes first to mind when friends or family ask me for a recommendation."

- Maryam

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Giving the gift of Imagination!

Giving the gift of imagination is one of the most wondrous gifts you could give your child. No one knows better than me what it means to have a colorful imagination! Being a recluse had an advantage, i grew up with a vivid imagination that has many a times been my escape and also a boon for my Interior design profession. During my time in design school I recall our professors encouraged us to be as imaginative as possible, even if it meant it was borderline ridiculous. It was safe to do so for fantasy school projects with no budget restraints or consequences. Now i understand the importance of exercising our imagination because imagination is the root of creation.
In the words of Albert Einstein
                 “ Logic will get you from A to B but Imagination will take you everywhere”
My next product Circu sparked my interest because it is magical & fanciful, just what the designer recommended! It is a statement piece, it is out-there and at the same time it is functional! It brings a bit of old world charm into the world of millennials. 
 I am sure these products will bring a smile to your face and waken your inner child! 
                          Until next time …. “Stay Childlike….stay Funky!”


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