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"It was one of life's most wonderful coincidences when I heard about Pavitra through a relative of mine. I thought furnishing an entire new house would be chaotic and a headache to execute, but working with Pavitra made it not only easy as a breeze but exciting as well. Not many designers would take a client's personal taste into consideration when planning a space, luckily I ended up with someone who does. I've met many interior designers but Pavitra's name always comes first to mind when friends or family ask me for a recommendation."

- Maryam

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If there is a heaven I am sure it must look something like this.....

Have u ever dreamt of having a wedding under the shade of the vast blue sky, surrounded by the infinite ocean, white sands with the sunset as your backdrop, in between the tranquil sounds of the ocean waves you hear your beloved making promises to love you forever?  

Too good to be true isn’t it! Well that’s exactly how my dearest friend had her wedding! Being a passionate diver, under the ocean is her second home and Maldives is a diver’s delight, hence this setting was only natural to her. So we all flew in to this island called the Maldives to be part of a magical moment. And MAGICAL it was for all of us!

From Male international airport, Maldives is a two-hour speedboat ride. Riding the waves in the middle of this great vast ocean can be a little daunting for an aqua phobic like myself. The greatness of this earth dawned upon me and I realized what a minuscule speck I really was! I kept my eyes firm on the horizon as I began to miss dry land.There was some comfort when I spotted trees at a distance. This whole experience was fascinating to me as I had not been to an island before. As we approached the island I could see a group of people clad in spotless white linen, gathered around the deck to welcome us. At this point I was just thankful to have survived that ride and finally feel some sand beneath my feet.

Once I settled my rather frazzled self, walking along the deck I marveled at the silence that surrounded me. It felt like a vacuum and all I could hear was the serene sounds of the waves calling for me. Around the corner lay the most spectacular sight I have ever seen, white sands encompassed by crystal clear turquoise water!!! There I was, in Gods land as he created it, untouched & pure. This was another world, a world I was not accustomed to, a world I hadn’t seen before! Spellbound by the immeasurable beauty of this island, it was hard to fathom something as simple as the earth, water and sky which we take for granted everyday, could stir my soul and bring to my realization the immense power it holds. I also felt disheartened by thought of our tainted cities, which before us might have been a paradise just like this. For the next 3 days I had forgotten about all things digital and immersed myself in this heavenly place. All my senses have been heightened at this point, I can see better, hear better, smell better and I definitely feel better!

My words cannot justify the pristine beauty of this island or my feelings about it. I only hope these pictures will… If there is a heaven I am sure it must look something like this!

Maldives is a long & narrow country formed by 26 natural atolls. 

My husband took these pictures while he was Para Sailing. Maldives lies delicately in the pristine beauty of Fesdu Island.


View of the rooms and spa that branch off from the main island.

With perfect weather and endless sunshine, W Maldives is an idyllic retreat and water sports playground. Beneath the surface manta rays mingle with sea turtles and starfish pose for perfect pictures

Rooms branch out from the main island. This is the walkway to our rooms.

The decor is kept as simple and natural as possible. Nothing to take away from the scenic landscape it’s encased by, an element like this circular glass gives us a view of the ocean beneath, this adds drama in the best possible way. 

The patio outside our room had a private pool, for those not adventurous enough to take a dip in the ocean....like myself!


Lounge at the entrance of the hotel

Fitness center 

Indulge in ultimate relaxation at the over-water AWAY Spa. Stretch to the panoramic horizon with private yoga sessions.

FISH is a signature seafood restaurant with over-water tables to view the endless Indian Ocean. In the daytime the decor maybe simple, but after sunset the volume of drama is cranked up by enigmatic lighting designs.

KITCHEN  is a modern interpretation of Bistro fare.

Finally as the Sunsets and dark shadows glaze the landscape, I leave you with the silhouette of this island, which is always enticing. 


                                          "All Images courtesy my husband Keigan Soans"

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Reader Comments (4)

Greetings from the USA. Saw your blog post linked on the W Maldives facebook page. My wife and I will be headed there for our anniversary. Love your husband's photos and great write up. :-)

August 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCollins

Holy smokes! Looks like I need to plan another vacay, like today! What a slice of paradise! Be still my heart!

August 16, 2012 | Unregistered Commenternikki white

@Nikki....... Thanks for stopping by!! Me too....everytime i see these pics i feel like taking the next flight!

August 16, 2012 | Registered CommenterFunk Factory

Hi, I am not a water person but your post is 'inspiring' me to jump into the deep blue sea, build sand castles and pack all the books that I have been waiting to finish! ahhh!!

September 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRenu Ojha
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